Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I'll take VEKTR for 500...Trebek!

So Vektr seems like a pretty easy to use system.  I have to admit I have only seen a couple of other work order systems...but this has some things that I really like.

First, it is a GUI interface.  Text based systems always seem so clunky and old to me.  It is refreshing to just see a program that is aesthetically pleasing to the eye.  Second, its layout seems very easy to use.  As an admin (facilities manager) you are able to view or all of the WO's at once, or simply narrow it by the groups or trades you want to see.  Last, once your are viewing the groups you want to see, it is easy to look at the reports, WO's, etc.

A couple of things that seems perhaps burdensome.  One, the system seems a little high maintenance...as in, you could literally spend hours reading reports, typing instructions, or setting up inspections.  Of course this is part of the job, but there is a point when things need to just be getting done.  Two, it seems like you can easily tell when others are on or off the program.  Maybe this isn't the place for it, but this would be an excellent collaboration program as well.  Kind of like outlook.  If it had a more active calendar, perhaps email, but especially a chat feature to send quick messages to coworkers, I think that would be a nice touch.

Overall I think Vektr is the best program I have seen yet.  I would definitely be interested in using it as a future FM.  I guess that means I would recommend it to others too!

1 comment:

JP and Rachel said...

Oh Vektr. Like you, I haven't really seen too many work-order systems. So, I thought Vektr was pretty good...very tedious but pretty good. I do think I'd be interested in using it as an FM, especially if the company I work for doesn't have something customized to their needs and in place. That would be my only concern...vektr isn't necessarily completely customizable to any organization, though you can set it up a few different ways. Anyway, great comments and analysis. Keep it up!